Blessed Virgin Mary Parish News

March 30, 2022

What a busy week we had last week… Thursday and Friday nights were our great MARIAN MISSION, with Rev. Fr. Daniel Wach, OSBM. (Thank you, Father! for filling in so many spiritual gaps in our understanding of Our Lady and how scriptures prepared the world for her.)

Right in between — like a sandwich (on Friday morning) but far more historical and meaningful, if we daresay — was the Consecration by all the bishops of the world of Russia (and Ukraine) to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart! Our own bishops — Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak, and archbishop-emeritus Stefan Soroka — came to our parish to perform this wonderful work assigned them by Our Lady, through the Holy Father. There were many people in attendance, from many different parishes, as we sang Moleben to the Mother of God, and then prayed the special prayers of Consecration.

Immediately afterwards, many went downstairs to have a snack and then to partake of the actual Papal event — the Consecration to Our Lady — taking place in Rome, by watching livestream “on bigscreen”. This was no ordinary televised event. We in the parish auditorium watched absolutely motionless as we were guided through the catechesis of repentance, confession and then “stood by the side” of our Holy Father as he commended us so lovingly to Our Lady. Indescribable! and not soon to be forgotten.

March 21, 2022

So much is happening!

1) LENT — the Great Fast — is fast progressing, and Easter is just around the corner… are you doing your best to “do without” now… to “carry your cross well” now…. so that Easter will be all the sweeter? Ask Our Lady to help!

2) PARISH MARIAN MISSION — see the main web page!

3) CONSECRATION of RUSSIA to Our Lady this Thursday! Come at 10 AM — again, see the main web page!

4) Centenary meetings!

Best to just click our calendar page to check out what is happening when.

October 21, 2021

To attend Sunday Services: It is NOT necessary to pre-register for any of our services. However, as our church is open to all, we are still restricted to 33% capacity, so although you could take your chances (we do have a very big church), it might be advisable to register for the 10:00 am Sunday Divine Liturgy. Either call 204-582-4466, and leave a message, or send an email to In the message, please leave your name, phone number, and the number of people who wish to attend.

September 19, 2021

Sunday September 26th - “LEAGUE DAY!” We celebrate the 75th Anniversary of our Parish Branch of the Ukrainian Catholic Womens’ League of Canada.

September 12, 2021

CATECHISM : We are excited that TODAY (Sunday September 19) our Parish Catechism movement is starying up with an initial meeting in our Church auditorium (basement) between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM. Come meet with our Catechism Coordinator Teresa Hryndzio!

Our church is open to parishioners and visitors according to the most recent Archeparchial Covid Dierective. SUNDAY DIVINE LITURGY at 10:00 AM. Then on weekdays: 7:20 AM begins with an “Hour” (1st or 3rd), followed by Rosary then Divine Liturgy. All may attend; but please wear your mask.

We are preparing for our Parish Praznyk ‘21. We will celebrate with the Divine Liturgy and follow that with a fellowship Hotdog Barbecue! This will take place on SUNDAY 3 OCTOBER 2021 at 10:00 AM. Bring youe whole family, friends and neighbours! But… Please be so kind as to call UCWL President Janet Kuchma 204-582-5932 or Leave a message at 204- 582-4466 by October 1st to confirm your participation at the BBQ so that we have a good estimation of all the

August 7, 2021


We are all aware that our Church in Manitoba is making a shift with regard to the way we conduct ourselves within our parishes. The reason, of course, is that our provincial government and health authority have made a rather unexpected and wide-reaching decision to ease the Covid-19 restrictions that our governments have been imposing on society in the interest of curtailing and even stopping the spread of the coronavirus. Well, what the latest public health order and our Archeparchial Directives suggest is that we can have much larger numbers in church! This means 150 people OR more… up to 50% of the capacity of our church! (Okay… if we had that many coming in, we would be very happy at this point!) We do not necessarily have to wear masks or worry as much about socialdistancing…. however, we are asked to not get crazy. In his directives, the Metropolitan reiterated the public health order position that it is “STRONGLY RECOMMENDED” that we continue wearing masks and respecting social distancing…. (besides being careful about sanitizing and remembering our contact) at least for a little while and see how we all feel about it. We do, however, want to take advantage of this ‘window’ of fresh air and freedom. Let us try being bolder and, by the grace of our Lord, maybe come to church… sit far away from everyone (that’s totally understandable) but to start coming back into the House of God, into the real presence of our Lord in the Holy Eucharist and let us see how the Lord leads us. Whether the harsher restrictions come back in September or not, we need to find our feet and move forward in the world - whatever society looks like. This is what the Church did from the beginning and this is what we are called to do. We live our faith and share it with as many as we can!

August 1, 2021

On behalf of the Parish Council, all parish organizations and parishioners, I would like to welcome (back) Very Reverend Dr. Michael Kwiatkowski to Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish. Father Kwiatkowski brings a wealth of knowledge based on his past appointments in both administration and spiritual responsibilities. Very Reverend Father serves as Chancellor of The Archeparchy of Winnipeg and recently was the Parish Pastor at Holy Eucharist.

Glen Henkewich, Chair of the Parish Council

Від імені Парафіяльної Ради, усіх парафіяльних організацій та парафіян я хочу привітати (з поверненням назад) Всесвітлішого отця доктора Михайла Кв’ятковського до Української Католицької Парафії Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці. Отець Кв’ятковський приходить з багатим досвідом, який базуються на його досвіді і служінні як в адміністраційних, так і в духовних обов'язках. Всесвітліший отець Михайло служить канцлером Архієпархії Вінніпега, а нещодавно був парохом в Українській Католицькій Парафії Пресвятої Євхаристії.

Глен Генкевич, Голова парафіяльної ради

July 18, 2021

Save The Date: Drive-by Send-off for Father Bashutskyy

Blessed Virgin Mary’s Parish Council has consulted with Father Bashutskyy and has come up with a safe and special way for parishioners and friends to give Father their good wishes before he begins his new assignment at Holy Family Parish. Though the COVID-19 pandemic and current provincial regulations limit the type of event that can be held, we have come up with a creative and celebratory solution. On Sunday, July 25, after Father performs his last Sunday liturgy as pastor at Blessed Virgin Mary, a drive-by event will be held on Church property, giving everyone a chance to stop and chat briefly with Father to thank him for his 14 years and 11 month of service at our parish. (It also happens to be Father’s birthday that day, so you can also wish him a Happy Birthday!) Save the date and time in your calendars! More details will follow in next week’s bulletin. A more traditional send-off event to be held later in the year, when COVID-19 risks and restrictions are diminished, is also being considered.

July 15,2021

The Manitoba Government has introduced updates to the existing Health Orders effective July 17, 2021 12:01 am.

Faith-based and cultural gatherings can increase to 50 per cent or 150 people, whichever is lower, though people must wear masks and stay distanced from those in other households. Outdoor gatherings will open to 150 people. Drive-in services may continue.

Outdoor weddings and funerals can have up to 150 people present, including photographers and officiants. Indoor services will be able to have 25 guests, not including officiants and photographer

Please continue to adhere to our registration process for attending Sunday Liturgy. If you have any questions regarding the services or attending services , please contact the parish office @ 204-582-7535.

July 11, 2021

Save The Date: Drive-by Send-off for Father Bashutskyy

Blessed Virgin Mary’s Parish Council has consulted with Father Bashutskyy and has come up with a safe and special way for parishioners and friends to give Father their good wishes before he begins his new assignment at Holy Family Parish. Though the COVID-19 pandemic and current provincial regulations limit the type of event that can be held, we have come up with a creative and celebratory solution. On Sunday, July 25, after Father performs his last Sunday liturgy as pastor at Blessed Virgin Mary, a drive-by event will be held on Church property, giving everyone a chance to stop and chat briefly with Father to thank him for his 14 years and 11 month of service at our parish. (It also happens to be Father’s birthday that day, so you can also wish him a Happy Birthday!) Save the date and time in your calendars! More details will follow in next week’s bulletin. A more traditional send-off event to be held later in the year, when COVID-19 risks and restrictions are diminished, is also being considered.

July 4, 2021

Changes to clergy appointments within the Archeparchy

His Grace, Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak, has issued the clergy pastoral assignments that will take effect on Sunday, August 1st, 2021.

Rev. Volodymyr Bashutskyy – Holy Family Parish, Winnipeg

Very Rev. Michael Kwiatkowski – Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Winnipeg

June 24,2021

Sunday Liturgy Registration Process

In-Person Option to attend Sunday Services: To register to attend the 10:00 am Sunday Divine Liturgy in our church, please call the registration line for each Sunday that you would like to attend, at 204-582-4466, and leave a message or send an email to In the message, please leave your name, phone number, and the number of people who wish to attend. You will be notified after 3:00 pm on Friday as to whether or not we will be able to welcome you to Divine Liturgy that Sunday. Everyone must follow Covid-19 safety protocols regarding facemasks, handwashing, sanitizing and physical distancing. If you are not comfortable to attend services at this time, please follow the Liturgy by using the on-line option. On-Line Option to attend services: Sunday Liturgies and daily services are provided live via YouTube and also Facebook. The link to the service will be provided through the weekly bulletin update and is also available on our website. If you have any questions, please contact the parish office at 204-582-7535. See you in church! До зустрічі в церкві!

June 24,2021

COVID – 19 Pandemic

Archeparchial Update (24 June 2021)

Prot. H/60/2021

To the Reverend Clergy, Religious Sisters and Laity of the Archeparchy of Winnipeg:

Glory to Jesus Christ! Слава Ісусу Христу!

As you will have learned from your news sources, due to a perceived shift in the Covid-19 situation, the Government of Manitoba has issued changes to the safety restrictions effecting our daily lives, including the practice of our faith. In light of the latest government directives, we can see the following changes to the pastoral and liturgical activity of our parishes within the Archeparchy beginning Saturday, 26 June 2021:

1. “Faith-based gatherings” may expand to 25% of the typical capacity of the church, but up to a maximum of twenty-five (25) people. Outdoor gatherings may be attended by a maximum of fifty (50) people. This number, as clarified in the past, does notinclude the essential liturgical and livestreaming personnel.

2. “Special public gatherings” such as Weddings, Funerals, and Baptisms, may be attended by ten (10) for the indoors aspect, but twenty-five (25) people for the outdoors aspect (e.g. interment). Again, these numbers do not include the essential liturgical and livestreaming personnel. Also, in the case of weddings, a camera-operator or photographer may be added to the number of essential personnel and for funerals, the funeral home staff would also be considered part of the essential personnel.

3. Needless to say, all the usual Covid-19 regulations remain in place, including the use of masks/facial shields.

May the Lord in His kindness and mercy continue to lead us through this pandemic and inspire us as to shine the light of the Gospel in these times.

Very Rev. Dr. Michael Kwiatkowski | о. д-р Михайло Квятковський

Chancellor | Канцлер

Archeparchy of Winnipeg | Вінніпезька Архієпархія УГКЦ

Tel. | Teл. (204) 338-7801 Ext. 2

May 16, 2021

You may remember that, in November, in the bulletin, we had the following quote: Never fear! The end of something marks the start of something new. Therefore, we would like to ask you to share your thoughts and ideas as to how the parish should use the property of the former Church Hall site. We have added pictures to the parish website of the property, now that all the work has been completed. You can also drive by to see the property in person. Please send to us your ideas by email: or call the parish office at 204-582-7535.

May 8, 2021

Archeparchy Directive # 10 (8 May 2021)

To keep this notification as brief as possible, suffice it to say that the following restrictions – once in place in our Archeparchy, albeit in the earlier days of the pandemic – will be in effect in all Archeparchial parishes from midnight this Sunday mornin(9 May 2019) until Sunday 30 May 2021.


1.   Although clergy are asked to perform their basic priestly duties as best as possible,[i] they may celebrate liturgical services only with a small essential team of individuals that must remain consistent throughout this period. This means the parish priest, a cantor, a reader and a doorman/usher and/or a sacristan. This number may include a livestreaming/camera operator if the parish is so equipped. The parish priest will be responsible to form the team which should be kept to a number not exceeding five (5) persons unless there is some truly extenuating circumstance.

2.   Services such a FuneralsWeddings and Baptisms may be categorized as “special public gatherings", thus allowing for up to ten (10) participants.


3.   Holy Communion may be distributed outside of the Divine Liturgy, but only if it is possible to observe all pandemic and safe-environment protocols. Congregating even in the smallest of numbers (e.g., when coming into or leaving the location where Holy Communion is received) must not be permitted and, if required, the faithful must be reminded of this immediately.

4.   The Sacrament of Confession may be offered on an individual basis – by appointment or by an effective, regulated onsite method. All the usual pandemic and safe-environment protocols are to be observed at all times.


5.   It should be noted that the activity of self-help groups has rightly been deemed as important and it may continue, but only in gatherings of 10 people or less. Therefore the pastor may decide as to how such groups that may include group counselling and penitential preparation with Confession may safely continue.


6.   All other pastoral activity that is not essential should be halted or postponed until this latest lockdown period is concluded.


 May 4, 2021

Green Team Employment Opportunity at Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish

There is an employment opportunity for a student between the ages of 15 -29 years, during the months of May to August. For additional information on roles and responsibilities, please contact 204-582-7535. Ukrainian Verbal and Written skills would be an asset. Resumes will be accepted until May 14, 2021

May 2, 2021

Dear Parishioners:

I am happy to say that, after two weeks of recovery, I am feeling stronger every day. I will slowly start to provide Liturgical and Pastoral Services in our parish, as of Wednesday, May 5th. I am most grateful for all your prayers, support and get-well cards. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. Fr. Volodymyr Bashutskyy

April 28, 2021

Archeparchy Directive # 9  (27 April 2021)

Although the appropriate adaptation to the occasionally changing governmental health orders in the fight against the coronavirus may seem obvious to some, it will be helpful to clarify how they apply to church life within the Archeparchy. Just yesterday, 26 April 2021, our Manitoba government officials held a press conference during which they announced the latest social restrictions that would take effect for one month from Wednesday 28 April 2021. [See attached ‘Backgrounder’]


Our Interpretation and application of the latest Manitoba Government Covid-19 restrictions (26 April 2021) includes the following directives:


Gatherings at Churches and Parish Facilities may occur with a participation of up to 25% or 10 participants – whichever amounts to the lower number. This number has not included the “essential” facilitators of the event (e.g. clergy, cantor, reader, usher(s) and livestreaming ‘team’). However, unless those within this essential group are absolutely necessary, they should not exceed 5 individuals.

         Once the quota is filled in advance, no others may be permitted to enter the premises for the duration of the event.


         The reception of the Sacraments outside of ‘religious gatherings’ or ‘Worship events’ may still be arranged, however, as previously explained, by appointment and on an individual basis and as long as all Archeparchial Covid and Safe-Environment protocols are observed. 


Baptisms, Funerals (including Interment) and Marriage follow the same regulations as mentioned above for “Gatherings”. If held at a funeral home or cemetery, the regulations adhered to in those places should be adhered to.

April 16, 2021

Due to health reasons, I will not be able to provide Liturgical and Pastoral Services in our parish as of Friday, April 16th for at least for three weeks. Sunday Liturgies will be celebrated by Rev. Protodeacon Stefan Tyrawski. However, all daily Divine Liturgies in our parish are suspended until further notice. For any pastoral and spiritual needs, please contact the Chancery Office at 204-338-7801 or, for sick visiting, call Father Bohdan Lukie at 204-293-8089. For any parish concerns, call the parish office at 204-582-7535. Please keep me in your prayers.

Fr. Volodymyr Bashutskyy

April 13, 2021

Due to the weather conditions, Rakowski Cartage and Wrecking has postponed and rescheduled the demolition of the College Ave Hall. The new date scheduled for demolition will be Monday April 19, 2021.

April 11, 2021

This coming week (WednesdayApril 14), Rakowski Cartage & Wrecking will begin the actual demolition of the Church Hall. I am inviting you to drive by and bid farewell to the Church Hall that has served our parish, our parishioners and our community for 70 years! Many of you have shared your beautiful memories of our Church Hall, where you came for Catechism classes, Ukrainian School, Ukrainian Dancing, Seniors Club, showers, weddings, socials, anniversary parties, concerts, bingo, and the list goes on.

March 14, 2021

Dear Parishioners, the Government of Manitoba has loosened a number of Covid-19 restrictions, effective Saturday March 13th. The following are changes to the current public health orders with regard to places of worship:

*mask-use rules in churches are amended to allow masks not to be worn while household groups are seated together at a service, are appropriately distanced from other groups and are not singing;

*there is no requirement for faith-based organizations to take down contact information of congregants. However, please note that we have decided to continue our registration process for a few more weeks and to take down contact information.

Reminder: In-Person Option to attend Sunday Services: To register to attend the 10:00 am Sunday Divine Liturgy in our church, please call the registration line for each Sunday that you would like to attend, at 204-582-4466, and leave a message or send an email to In the message, please leave your name, phone number, and the number of people who wish to attend. You will be notified after 3:00 pm on Friday as to whether or not we will be able to welcome you to Divine Liturgy that Sunday. Everyone must follow Covid-19 safety protocols regarding facemasks, handwashing, sanitizing and physical distancing. If you are not comfortable to attend services at this time, please follow the Liturgy by using the on-line option. On-Line Option to attend services: Sunday Liturgies and daily services are provided live via YouTube and also Facebook. The link to the service will be provided through the weekly bulletin update and is also available on our website. If you have any questions, please contact the parish office at 204-582-7535. See you in church! До зустрічі в церкві!

We shall begin the Sorokousty Services Friday, February 19th, after the 9:00 am Divine Liturgy. To make a donation for the Sorokousty Services, we have a special envelope for your convenience. When y o u m a k e y o u r d o n a t i o n ( t h e recommended donation is $20.00), please also submit the names of any recently deceased family members. You may mail or drop off the envelope with your other donations in the parish mailbox. Please inform Father that you are doing so. Would you like to Volunteer ? - Чи ви хочете допомогти при парафії?

Greeters and Ushers: Volunteers Needed! We are in need of more volunteers to greet and usher parishioners for Sunday morning services. If you are able to assist, please contact Janet Kuchma by calling 204-582-5932 or emailing her at We very much appreciate ALL of our volunteers! Thank you in advance.

On Tuesday 9 February 2021 at 11:00 the Government of Manitoba held a press conference to announce some changes to the Provincial Covid-19 safety restrictions. Some of the changes will affect the lives of our Faithful… including the possibility to attend services in our churches. Metropolitan Lawrence wants all clergy and parishes to be informed about this development and he encourages the careful reopening of our churches and chapels to the Faithful – however, in complete compliance with the standard common safety protocols (masks, sanitizing, social-distancing, etc.) and any pertinent practices already established in earlier Archeparchial Covid-19 Directives (e.g. manner of distributing Holy Communion, etc.).

The Parish Catechism now takes place, via online streaming, every Tuesday from 7:00 pm -7:30 pm, as agreed to by the families. We invite all parents with young children to participate in the online livestream Catechism class. Please send an email to Teresa Hryndzio at and provide your email address to be included in the class.

Divine Liturgy will Resume starting February 14,2021.

1.       Parishioner(s) will be required to contact the Church @ (204)582-4466 or by email @ to leave a message asking to reserve space at the upcoming Sunday Liturgy.  A representative of the church will then contact you indicating whether space is available for you to attend. The Deadline for contacting the Church and leaving a message will be on the Friday @ 3 pm prior to the Sunday Liturgy. Due to the restriction of 50 people allowed in the church, your request may not be approved to attend. We want to ensure all parishioners have the opportunity to attend Divine Liturgy. Reservations will only be taken for only the current Sunday.

2.       When arriving at the Church ,you will be asked a series of questions:

a.       -Did I travel by air or outside the Province in the Past 2 weeks?

b.      -Have I been close to someone infected with Covid 19?

c.       -Is anyone in my house quarantined or in isolation?

d.      -Do I have a cough, fever, shortness of breath, running nose or sore throat?

e.      -If you answer NO to all the questions, you are permitted to enter the church nave         

Then, Your Name, Date, Telephone Number and Time In and Out will be recorded for contact tracing purposes.

                If you answered Yes to any of above questions, access to the Church cannot be permitted.

3.       Once you enter the church you will be asked to use the provided Hand Sanitizer and then be ushered to one of the pews in the designated, cleaned safely spaced seating area. Only family members (who reside in the same household) may sit together otherwise we will be adhering to the Social Distancing requirements of 6 feet/2 meters between individuals.

4.       After Liturgy is completed, you will be ushered to the back of the Church, sanitize your hands and then exit as directed. Social gathering at the back of the Church and on Church property will not be allowed.